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Re: Child Pornography (fwd)

Primoz Jeroncic wrote:
=>> Somebody needs to do something about child pronography being shown and
=>> accessible to all age groups being shown at:
=>I don't think this list is right list for this things. First of all, I don't
=>think I can do anything about this except this what we all can do about 
=>things we don't like. Do NOT go there and browse those things if you don't 
=>like them. But I don't like this censorship things. I think that at least on
=>Net should be total freedom of speech if it can't be in real life. 


 while I agree with Primoz on the issue of 'right platform, wrong discusion',
I think that maybe this could lead to a more searching discussion on 'data
content and access permissions'.

Personally, on the grounds of the availability of pornography via the Web,
I feel that maybe some central (powerful?) body should implement a system
of 'tags' which could give a WebPage a 'rating'.

An example would be <RATING=PG> or <AGE=18>. 

This has some nice features in the fact that tags such as 'PG' would then
be dependent on the RECIPIENT'S local interpretation of 'PG' (as with the
old British X-ratings). This would maintain the essence of client/server
environments whereby the client should be made primarily responsible for
the client's actions!!!!!!!!

However, it is full of drawbacks such as making resource providers comply
with the ratings, making browsers acknowledge the ratings and, of course,
making sure that the end user is really within the age range of the 'rating'.

I think that ,in a round about manner, this IS a security discussion, as
the legal standing of service and web providers wrt. pornography and the
contents of their WebPages is still very shaky.

If web providers maybe implement some method of 'self rating', then it
will be harder for the 'head in the sand' non-cogniscenti power wielders
to close down the unsuspecting.


: Steff Watkins, UBris Starlink Site Manager
: University of Bristol, Clifton, Bristol, AVON, BS8 1TH, UK
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: 'Ok.. So the .sig's 8 lines long!!! So what???'
